Your treatment is reimbursed by your health insurer from the basic insurance.
Stichting Sarya has agreements with all health insurers that belong to Achmea, Aevitae, CZ, DSW of VGZ for 2025. And Stichting Sarya have a contract with RMA (Regeling Medische zorg Asielzoekers).
If you are insured elsewhere, unfortunately we cannot help you at this time. We do our utmost to conclude contracts with all health insurers.
If you receive treatment at Stichting Sarya, a DBC (Diagnosis Treatment Combination) will be opened for the Specialist GGZ. For Basic GGZ, this is a Basic GGZ process.
A DBC or Basic GGZ program may last a maximum of 365 days. After taking out the delivered process, you will be declared directly to the insurer where you were insured at the start of the treatment. If the treatment continues, we will open a (follow-up) DBC for you.
From 1 January 2021, Zorgprestatiemodel (ZPM) will be the new fund for mental health services.
Starting next year, every meeting with your therapist or doctor will be billed monthly to your health insurance. In this way, it will be much faster for you to see which invoice has been sent to your health insurance by us.
All existing DBCs and BGGZ processes will be shut down by 31 December 2021 at the latest.
Please note: If your treatment continues in 2022, you will pay both the 2021 (voluntary) exemption (eigen risico) and 2022 (voluntary) exemption (eigen risico).
If you have additional questions about what the Zorgprestatiemodel model means for you, we recommend contacting your health insurer.
Own risk
The compulsory deductible of € 385 applies to everyone. This may be different if you are on social assistance benefits and the municipality has taken out a policy for you. In addition to the compulsory deductible, there is also a voluntary deductible. This is in addition to the € 385, -. Your healthcare premium will then decrease, but you will have to pay more if you need healthcare.
We recommend that you contact your health insurer about the exact reimbursements for care or the deductible in your situation. Stichting Sarya does not ask for a personal contribution. Stichting Sarya does not ask for a personal contribution.
Not showing up for an appointment
If you are unable to attend an appointment, you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance Stichting Sarya will send an invoice for not calling off on time:
€ 95 if you do not show up for a psychiatric or psychodiagnostic examination or a regular appointment
This also applies if you cannot come to the appointment due to illness. An exception can be made in specific cases.
No show policy
If you do not come to your appointment without notification, the practitioner will contact you by telephone. If the practitioner cannot reach you, you will be notified in writing to respond within 10 days. If you do not respond, do not show up twice for an appointment or if you cancel twice within 24 hours, the treatment will be stopped and your file will be closed.